Tag Archives: games

Update: Week #1 of 30 day challenge

Hello people of the interwebs!

If you didn’t know already I have started one of those 30 day challenges that people seem to be getting into nowadays. This challenge involves giving up one of the things I love doing most. Playing games. It’s been almost a week now and I just want to give you guys an update.

Starting a challenge during uni holidays is probably the worst time to do so. I have an ample amount of time on my hands and I’m also working at a shop that sells games. I can feel the game gods conspiring against me. Every time I work, I’m reminded how much fun Skyrim is or how good it feels to smash a purple dildo over someones head in Saints Row. After a long week I found out that I could borrow games from the store. Imagine having a library of games that you could just borrow for any reasonable length of time. It’s gamer heaven.

It’s okay though. I know I won’t give into this temptation. Who needs gamer heaven when you can spend your time outside in the burning sun, doing physical activity that makes you really sore in the morning. I certainly don’t.

Bethesda developed the Creation Engine for Sky...

Skyrim beckons... Image via Wikipedia

Six days over 24 to go. Are you giving yourself a challenge at the moment?

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Finishing Guildwars…for good!

© 2011 ArenaNet, Inc. All rights reserved. NCsoft, the interlocking NC logo, ArenaNet, Arena.net,Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Nightfall, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, Eye of the North, Guild Wars 2, and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Guildwars (GW), released in 2005, was Arenanet’s MMO baby. Entering the MMO battle GW was against one of the biggest names in the MMO sphere, World of Warcraft. Yet even with the rave reviews and the hordes of people playing WoW, I was still a GW fanboy.

I started with a warrior tank, named Gork Gazbag (Sounds pretty lame now…). With this character I’ve played through the entire campaign and all the expansions. This is going to sound ridiculous, but I’ve grown with this character. From the beginning where I thought frenzy + mending was a winning skill combination, to when I was beating down bosses with my pretty gold axe. Gork has been with me all the way. However, its time to part ways (wow this sounds like a eulogy).

Ahh my good old warrior with old school droknar armour

With the release of Eye of the North your titles, armour, weapons, heroes etc all transfer over to your GW 2 account. I’ve decided to pay my final homage to GW by creating an all new character. I plan to play through each campaign, achieve all the titles and get all the shiny medals in the Hall of Monuments.

I don’t know how long this will take and I’m not sure if I’ll finish this before GW 2 comes out, but dick dang I am going to do it. If anyone has any PvE tips or what profession I should choose please tell me! I’ll need all the help I can get.

Updates Coming soon!

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Filed under Gaming, Guildwars